Contact Us – Osteopathy / Physical Therapy

Experts in Osteopathy / Physical Therapy for musculoskeletal care

Get In Touch Today:

Telephone contact details: 07527 583 183


We are at the Innovation Centre on the Science Park (we are not based at St John’s Innovation Centre on the Business Park). The Science Park is well sign-posted and is on your right when approaching from junction 33 of the A14. When entering the Science Park you take the first left at the roundabout. Follow the road round the bend and continue for 300 metres. You will then pass the prominent signs of AstraZeneca and Xaar on your left. After the bend you will see our building with its notable turquoise frames. Turn left just before the building and then immediately turn right into our car park.

If you would like to book an appointment please use the online booking system on this page.

Unit 320, Science Park Innovation Centre, Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WG